Orlando Scandrick and Mike Jenkins Need to Stop Whining
By texasbrady

Orlando Scrandrick and Mike Jenkins are complaining already. Don’t these guys get paid millions to PLAY FOOTBALL??? It almost makes me physically ill to hear these players complain. If a player says he will not play at a position that is named by the coach, that’s fine, I have no problem with a player not doing what he is told. It is quite simple; you call him in the office and cut him, you send him packing. Just like that. I have no use for someone who is paid to do a job and whines about it. Especially these days, when people have a difficult time making a living. Orlando Scandrick gives the impression that he is someone who does not like it when he doesn’t get his way and makes statements like, “Not happening. Brodney Pool, Gerald Sensabaugh and Barry Church are our safeties. Orlando Scandrick, Morris Claiborne, Brandon Carr and Mike Jenkins are our corners.” This is type of behavior is not good for the TEAM.
Jason Garrett can take this incident and turn it into a positive ,and set the tone to the new players entering camp, by just cutting Scrandrick. By kicking Orlando to the curb, Garrett will set the tone and let the other players know who is the BOSS. It is his way or the highway. Now if Scrandrick was someone with Darrelle Revis’ talent, maybe we could talk about it, but Scrandrick ain’t Revis, so sit down Scrandrick and do what you are told. Of course, you know that Scrandrick will not be cut, but he needs to understand what a “Team” is, and he apparently does not based on the statements he has made.
Scrandrick also added, “I have no idea what they have planned. I feel like the best players are going to play regardless of your contract, draft status or who you are.” The problem I have with Scandrick is he has absolutely no idea of how they are going to use him, yet he’s sure he’s one of the best players at a given position. However, it matters not, you play where you are told, or sit the bench and watch the game. This makes the 2nd Cowboy to play the whine game.
Mike Jenkins says, “trade me” . Why would the Cowboys trade him? He is under contract, so again Jenkins, play where you are needed. You do not have much room to complain. Jenkins had a fair year last year, but was also torched on a couple of occasions like a Zippo lighter. So just do what your told. Jenkins wants out of Dallas because of the free agent signing of Brandon Carr and drafting of Morris Claiborne. If I was Jenkins, I would be jumping for joy to be a part of what could become a very talented defense and a very good football team. But no, lets be selfish and moan and groan about where you play.
This is the type of cancer that will eat at a team from the inside out if not checked in time. Mike Jenkins is young and could become a very good asset. However, if he continues with this type of behavior, the good teams will not give him the time of day when he becomes a free agent, and rightfully so. Given the various types and forms of coverages, Scandrick can play like a safety while still telling himself that he’s a corner, or does he not know that? Also, in Cover Three and Cover Four, corners typically join the safeties in patrolling the deep zones. In man coverage, it really doesn’t matter if a player’s position is technically corner or safety, just cover your man!
As for Scandrick, as long as he’s not covering a deep zone in Cover One or Cover Two or otherwise providing help over the top for Carr or Claiborne or Jenkins, Scandrick plausibly can continue to regard himself as playing corner-back, that is just a thought. Why anyone would complain with the type of money Jerry is paying Scandrick (contract details) is amazing. It just shows you Scrandrick and Jenkins are not “team” players, it is all about “ME”, and the heck with my teammates.
I have only one solution, just say adios to them. The Dallas Cowboys should not allow this type of behavior, if it is allowed to to go unchecked, forget about winning a Super Bowl this year or any year in the near future. I know one thing, Coach Landry would not have tolerated this behavior, he would cut players at the snap of his fingers because he knew that you must have discipline. Without it, your team will erode from the inside out.
I am excited about and look forward to the upcoming 2012 season, but when you hear of players saying what they want and what they will or won’t do, well that is where I draw the line. Both of these players need to sit down and see what is going to happen. Training camp has not started and already players are complaining. I guess we will find out how Jason Garrett handles the situation.
Jenkins and Scandrick both need to remember a couple of things: first, it is not easy to make the NFL your career if you get a labeled as ME player ALA T.O. You will find yourselves doing what T.O. is doing, which is not playing in the NFL. In my opinion, he thought he was bigger than the team, he is not. Second, Jenkins and Scandrick need to know how to spell TEAM. It is not me or I, it is simple, it is T E A M! If you forget that, you will at some point find yourself on the outside looking in. Good luck, I hope you make the right decision.
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