In the spirit of the Holiday season, I thought we would see who Dallas Cowboys fans hate the most.
As a rabid Dallas Cowboys fan, I don’t just cheer for my team, I necessarily hate every other team. My loyalty to Cowboys is unwavering; my faith in them is beyond irrational. With the exception of long time greats like Dorsett, Emmitt, and Larry Allen, I won’t even allow myself to like ex-Cowboy players when they switch teams. I have never forgiven Charley Haley for going back to the 49ers. I even hate rugby teams because they play a sport similar to football and they have no stars on their uniforms.
Despite my dislike for anything related to football that is not the Dallas Cowboys, there are some teams that I loathe more than others.
Truth be told, my animosity for some of the other NFL teams is, in reality, a compliment. There is no point hating teams that are terrible year in and year out. So, yes, some of the teams made my list just because they are excellent teams.
My most ferocious dislike is reserved for the other teams in the NFC East.
The Washington Skins:
The is one of the best and oldest rivalries in the NFL for a reason. I remember a time when the Dallas Cowboys were playing horrible (post Aikman) and I thought to myself, “Well, if Emmitt rushes for more than 1200 yards and we beat the Redskins twice, that is almost the same as a Super Bowl.” The mere mention of John Riggins or the “Hogs” gets my blood boiling. I am appreciative that Dan Snyder often helps us think that there are worse GM’s than Jerry Jones.
My favorite Redskin moment is Joe Theismann explaining in great detail to NFL films, based on his immense NFL experience, why there was no way that Emmitt would ever surpass Walter Payton’s record. Great Call, Joe!
This season, I grew sick of RK4, or whatever their new QB’s name is, even before the draft. The fact that the Redskins fans (and some in the media) are treating him like he has already been enshrined in Canton is a mockery of the entire league. Moreover, many of us are named after our fathers and grandfathers, but few of us are pompous and pretentious enough to insist that people refer to us as “the third”.
Given that the Redskins and Dallas Cowboys play for the NFC Championship this Sunday, this rivalry could start to take some of its old
The Philadelphia Eagles:
I think every Cowboy fan has hated Philly since Buddy Ryan, the Bounty Bowl, and that time in 1987 when Cunningham, despite leading 30-20 with less than a minute to play, faked a third consecutive kneel-down and instead threw a touchdown pass. Now there is DeSean Jackson and Michael Vick who are, conveniently for Dallas Cowboys fans, easy to loathe. The whole concept of the “Dream Team” is still fun to tease Philly fans about.
There is also the less than gracious fans who regularly frequent the Vet. They have been known to throw snowballs at Santa Claus. It’s hard to blame them, I would be surly if I had to live in Philadelphia too.
The New York Giants:
I have loathed the G-Men ever since Eli Manning had the arrogance and audacity to refuse to play for San Diego. The fact that he demanded a trade as a rookie, before ever playing a game in the NFL, was disrespectful to the entire league and all the players who played the game before him. Then there was the time when Jeremy Shockey called Parcells a “homo”. The Giants of the last few years are notorious for their trash-talking. Then there was a time when Manning signed the new stadium in Dallas after beating the Cowboys.
Plus, Eli Manning always looks like he is on the verge of bursting into tears. How can someone be so athletically talented and yet still look like the geek from the math club in high school? I suppose that both Manning brothers give rubes across the country hope.
Then there is Victor Cruz and that silly dance he insists on doing, even when the Giants are way behind and have no chance of winning.
The Pittsburgh Steelers:
I grew up with an older brother who was/is a die-hard Steelers fan. When we were kids, he was Franco Harris and I was Tony Dorsett. Being three years older, he always won. I have never forgiven him.
There is also the fact that the Steelers won their 6th Super Bowl, which gives them more than the Cowboys. There is also the history of the lost Super Bowls in the 70s, although that was somewhat avenged in the 1990s.
The Steelers also have one of the dirtiest players in league in James Harrison, who also tends to lie trying to justify his behavior.
The Indianapolis Colts:
My seething dislike for this club can be blamed on the media. When they starting comparing Manning, James, and Harrison to the triplets, BEFORE they ever won a playoff game, I took it as an unacceptable insult and I instantly began hating them. I have never gotten over that.
Now they have Andrew Luck, who I also got sick of hearing about even before the draft. Of course, Indy fans (and some in the media) are treating Luck like he has already made the Hall of Fame. It’s annoying, and he really hasn’t played that well despite the victories.
The New England Patriots:
I am not even sure why (it could be the multiple Super Bowls or his hot wife or his being on the cover of GQ), but Tom Brady just bugs me. He is a spokesperson for Uggs. Plus, there is the Spygate scandal. Patriot fans have a smugness about them that surpasses fans of every other NFL franchise.
The San Francisco 49ers:
The first year I started really watching football seriously ended with “The Catch.” My dislike for the 49ers really grew in the 1990s when it seemed that the Cowboys played them every year for the Super Bowl, but the NFL insisted on calling it the NFC Championship. The current Head Coach in San Francisco, while I admire his passion, lacks class, and it is people like him, and their selfish arrogance, that is ruining the game of football.
Any team that has Tim Tebow on it.
I got sick of hearing about Tebow about a nanosecond after the first time I heard his name. Everyone has their worldview, their philosophy, and/or religion, but most people can carry on a conversation for more than 30 seconds without bringing it up. Proselytizing never sits well with me, whether it is from someone who shares my spiritual views or otherwise.
And the other thing is: he is not that good.
The fact that the NFL decided to feature Tebow, who has not even been able to win a job as a starting QB in the NFL, on their signature series “A NFL Life”, a show normally reserved for NFL greats and Hall of Famers, disgusted me. That series has lost a ton of credibility after that episode.
The Detroit Lions:
First, their Head Coach is an ass. He acts like a child. He is one of these new breed NFL coaches who have no respect for anyone or anything. There is a reason why players like Ndamukong Suh who play extremely dirty and then lie about it like playing for the Lions, and it is not because Detroit is a nice place to live.
Which NFL franchise do you hate the most? (Please feel free to tell us why you hate that franchise in the comments section).
Happy Holidays!
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