The Dallas Cowboys Preseason Game 2 – Who Needs To Impress


The Dallas Cowboys have finished only one preseason game so far, but it is clear who needs to impress in game two, to either make the team, or keep their roster spot. Every year we try to predict the Dallas Cowboys roster, and every year there are a few surprises that either no one saw coming or wanted to see coming. There were some miscues in the first preseason game, but there are some people who need to do more if they want the star on their helmet.

Jeff Heath – If you have followed me you know my lack of understanding why the Dallas Cowboys keep Jeff Heath around. He is a liability in the pass game, overpursues almost every play, and while can make some good tackles, he is usually faked right out of his shoes.

His missed tackle on the San Diego touchdown showed much of what is wrong with Jeff Heath. If he wants to stay on the team he can’t keep playing like he does, he has to improve sometime. It isn’t enough he is decent on special teams.

Brandon Weeden – I know the Dallas Cowboys love him. I still can’t figure out why. He has very little touch on passes and still looks to throw almost as hard as he can on every throw. His reads are questionable at times, and he tends to look a little panicked under pressure. At this point I think we have seen the ceiling in Weedon and if Vaughan can show he can manage the team he might find himself gone.

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Deontay Greenberry – This kid looks like he has some talent but he just drops too many balls. The Dallas Cowboys need receivers who can step up if Dez Bryant and Terrance Williams goes down. I don’t think at this point Greenberry is making this team unless he really takes a huge step forward in this next few weeks. His routes are okay, his footwork is a little sloppy, and he doesn’t get a ton of separation.

Darrion Weems – Maybe it was the fact he hasn’t played football for a while, but he looked really bad in the first game. He was sloppy with his hands, and slow to react. La’el Collins could easily overtake him in the next few weeks, and if Weems wants to stick around, even as a backup, he needs to improve. The Dallas Cowboys have a strong OL and Weems needs to impress to stick around.

Lache Seastrunk – I know the Dallas Cowboys are not what they were last year at the running back position, but Seastrunk right now is not only the odd man out, he has actually hurt himself with his showing so far. He seems to make a cut and then nothing. He runs sideways instead of going North and South. Just when  you think he might be able to do something, he doesn’t.

So there it is for now. A quick glimpse at the Dallas Cowboys players who need to have a better second game to keep their name off of the dreaded cut list. As a caveat to all of this, the coaches do have guys they love for different reasons. While many fans want to see Jeff Heath go, the coaches love his special teams play. The point being, there is more to making this team than playing a certain position, special teams is one way to show you have earned a roster spot.

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