The Texas Rangers got their season off in a rough direction losing 4-1 to the Houston Astros. How have the Rangers fared on opening day and what trends are to come from this year’s result?
Finally, the long offseason has ended and we get back to baseball! Even if there are some hiccups and losing streaks upon us, we are still glad it is here.
Opening Day is sacred to baseball fans. It signals the beginning of the season and a chance for something new.
Will our team be a top contender or a cellar dweller? That can only be answered across 162 games of baseball action.
Of course, baseball fans are always eager to point out trends and statistics. One often overlooked statistic is how a team’s season fares based on their opening day result. For the Texas Rangers, the stats in this category do not show much.
The Texas Rangers have a (22-24) record on opening day, not counting yesterday’s loss. In the 22 seasons where they won the season’s first game, they had a winning season in 13 of them.
That does not seem relevant in any way, but it is just a good stat to win some bar bets I suppose.
Either way, it is better to get the season off to a great start with a win on opening day. 2018 is already a lost cause in that category, but how about the 22 seasons where they did win Game One?
Today, we take a look at the Top 10 Texas Rangers Opening Days. Do not worry, they are all wins. The games are ranked based on both the game’s quality and the biased viewpoint of a Rangers fan who wants to see them destroy the competition.