Dallas Cowboys – Dak Prescott: We need Jerry Jones to insert himself
By Reid Hanson

Negotiations between the Dallas Cowboys and Dak Prescott have seemingly been going nowhere. Despite being cleared to negotiate the moment the Cowboys season ended, the sides appeared to be in no hurry to meet – citing the uncertain salary cap situation as the primary reason.
Never mind that certain structures of a deal could have been set in advance – such as guaranteed percentages, proportion of salary relative to the cap, and the conditions of it’s total length. All of those could be agreed upon based on what the cap would finally rest at, yet the Dallas Cowboys brass appeared uninterested in proactive talks because “deadlines make deals”.
So here we sit. In familiar territory and ever so closer to losing the team’s most difficult to replace player at the team’s most important position (Dak’s wins above replacement was top-3 his last full season played, showing his irreplaceability).
That’s why, as crazy it sounds, it’s time to call on Jerry Jones to insert himself.
Those that have been paying attention know that Stephen, not Jerry, is the main negotiator and day-to-day GM. Jerry has to sign off on everything, but it’s Stephen who’s leading negotiations. It’s clear, things have gotten quite personal between Stephen and Dak Prescott’s agent, Todd France. And if allowed to continue, there’s no reason to think a deal will ever be struck.
It’s time for Jerry Jones to get this deal done between the Dallas Cowboys and Dak Prescott
Stephen is trying to “win” a completely un-willable situation. One in which Dak has the leverage. And France is trying to do his best Scott Boras impression and become such a thorn, teams will start avoiding his clients. Both of them are doing a disservice to their sides.
It’s time to let the grown-ups play.
Say what you want about Jerry, but he always gets his guys. He chronically overpays them, sure, but he never loses the guys we wants. That’s what the Dallas Cowboys need right now. They need to bite the bullet and pony up. They played this entire thing poorly and have no other choice or else they risk rebuilding at a time the NFC East is ripe for the taking.
Related Story. Cowboys: Why the NFC East is ripe for the taking. light
It’s time for Jerry to take the wheel and reach out to Dak. Those two offer the best chance at finding some sort of solution. Not Stephen and Todd.
It’s time for one more crazy move from the Dallas Cowboys owner. I’m calling on Jerry to bench his son for these negotiations because time is running out and Cowboys Nation is losing their patience.
light. Must Read. Why Dak's leverage grows by the day
Next. Brace yourselves, Dak Prescott may want a 3-year deal now. dark
hashtag: FreeJerryJones
- Published on 02/25/2021 at 17:01 PM
- Last updated at 02/25/2021 at 11:42 AM