The Dallas Cowboys were a top-10 team in the 16-game season era

(Photo by Focus on Sport/Getty Images)
(Photo by Focus on Sport/Getty Images) /

The Dallas Cowboys haven’t sniffed the Super Bowl since the mid 90’s but that doesn’t mean it’s always been doom and gloom the past few decades. The Dallas Cowboys have actually been a fairly successful franchise over the past 40+ years.

In fact, since the 16-game season era began (1978), the Dallas Cowboys have been one of the most successful teams in the NFL. While that includes the Super Bowl days of the early 90s, it also spans those tough times in the 80s and early 00s.

It’s easy to get caught up in the disappointment of the day when we’re sitting here in March looking forward to our well-earned top-10 pick in the upcoming draft (that’s dripping with sarcasm in case you didn’t notice).

The Dallas Cowboys were one of the most successful teams of the 16-game season era

But all in all, things even out and everyone endures those dark days that have been all-too-familiar to Dallas Cowboys fans.

The Cowboys aren’t just top-10 but they’re sixth overall in win percentage since the Jimmy Carter administration. That’s not too shabby.

Those years came with plenty of highlights too. Stars, superstars, and Hall of Famers spanned those years. We’ve seen undrafted free agents lift this franchise up and inspire us all. Countless rags to riches stories have been written in Big D. And countless more are being written right now.

The decade immediately following the Super Bowls will always be dark times to those in Cowboys Nation who lived through it. The Tony Romo era will always be special no matter how much it’s been misunderstood by those outside our circle.

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The Jason Garrett years bridged two rags to riches dynasties at QB, and while they wallowed in mediocrity on paper, they provided super high highs, and ultra-low lows. Only Cowboys fans and their surrounding families know truly what that entailed.

And now here we sit about to enter a new era of the NFL – the 17 game season. And despite the typical lackluster free agency period, the Dallas Cowboys enter the 2021 season with the window wide flippin’ open.

The NFC East is hot trash and Dak is far and away the best quarterback of the bunch. The roster is young and ready, and key players are locked up. The window is wide open for the Dallas Cowboys in the NFC East.

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The new era has begun in Dallas. The Cowboys were the sixth most successful franchise of the last one, here’s to the same success in the next one. Now let’s start out on a high note and go win the division in Year 1.

  • Published on 03/31/2021 at 11:01 AM
  • Last updated at 03/31/2021 at 01:32 AM