4 Cowboys Who Wouldn't Survive a 2025 Rebuild

If the 2024 season doesn't go as planned and Dallas has to blow it all up next year, don't count on these four Cowboys sticking around in 2025.
HC Mike McCarthy is one of four Cowboys who likely wouldn't survive a 2025 rebuild.
HC Mike McCarthy is one of four Cowboys who likely wouldn't survive a 2025 rebuild. / Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports
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The clock is ticking for the Dallas Cowboys to end their Super Bowl drought. America Team knows how to thrive in the regular season but consistently comes apart when it matters the most: in the playoffs.

Will that change this season? Time will tell.

One thing is for certain, though: if the Cowboys don't go on a deep playoff run in 2024, it might be high time to blow it all up. It's been the same old song and dance for decades now and there's only so much more that the fanbase can take. Throw in that franchise quarterback Dak Prescott is on an expiring deal with the fact that Jerry Jones clearly isn't willing to go "all in," and it's easy to see that a much-needed rebuild could be on the horizon.

If a rebuild is on the way, don't count on certain players sticking around for it. After all, Dallas must get rid of those who are holding the team back if it means winning a title soon.

Here are four Cowboys who likely won't survive a potential 2025 rebuild.

1. HC Mike McCarthy

If the Cowboys want to start fresh in 2025, don't count on Mike McCarthy being the one to steer the ship.

McCarthy is skating on thin ice as he heads into the final year of the five-year deal he signed with Dallas back in 2020. There's no denying his regular-season success seeing as he's led the Cowboys to three consecutive 12-win seasons. The issue comes with his lack of postseason success as the franchise owns a 1-3 playoff record with two one-and-done appearances under his guidance.

It's just hard to imagine McCarthy staying if the Cowboys suffer another early January exit. He's had some of the NFL's best offenses and defenses at his disposal over the last few seasons with nothing to show for it. It's safe to say that he wouldn't fare any better with a younger, more inexperienced roster during a rebuild.

And I even understand that McCarthy won a Super Bowl with the Green Bay Packers, but that was well over a decade ago now. He's gone 6-9 in the playoffs since then while only winning multiple rounds once. Another postseason failure may be enough to decide that the 60-year-old doesn't have 'it' anymore.

Hopefully, McCarthy finds a way to buck the Cowboys' playoff woes. Otherwise, he'll likely need to look for another job in the New Year.