Joined: Mar 26, 2012
CowgirlCas was raised by a loyal Dallas Cowboys fan. Her father has been a fan since the early Landry days, so the Cowboys have always been part of her life. Her dad is a former player and currently coaches a team, she was raised on football. When most kids were out playing with friends, she was either at practice with her dad or watching film with him. Her favorite all time player is Emmit Smith and her current favorite player is Tony Romo. She is a quiet, easy going person, but she can get real feisty and outspoken when it comes to football. She is a firm believer in the Dr Seuss quote: “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.” She is excited to have the opportunity to do just that for SportDFW. Her passions other than football include, studying psychology, writing, NASCAR, MMA, music, long days at the beach, and working out.You can see all of her other recent work here: http://thelandryhat.com/author/cowgirlcas/ She can be reached at casaraful3@yahoo.com, and you can follow her on Twitter @CowgirlCas22